My father: My Ultimate Role Model
We all have Role Models. And We all admire them.
Some of them are religious leaders. Some of them are businessmen/businesswomen. Some of them are family members.
Some of them are authors.
But Regardless of their profession, we all get impacted in deep ways by the actions and words of our role models. Role models play a very important role in our life as we all try to follow our role models. They not only shape how we view the world, but also how we react to what we see and experience on daily basis. They significantly influence who we become. So getting a great role model is a blessing. I am very thankful to my role model- My father.
I share a very deep relationship with my father which I consider to be a blessing. Whether he knows it or not, he is one of my biggest role models and someone I have followed up to for his amazing character. He has always motivated me to give my best whatever work I do. Sometimes he helps me to solve some life problems but also motivates me to learn things by own. The most important thing I like about my father is his positivity. I have never seen him sad. If he gets failure in business, then he thinks that he got some learning from it and gives more push in the right direction, so he can get success. Another good thing I like about my father is No matter how busy he is, he makes time for our family. He cares so much for those he loves and he’s the kind of guy that will drop everything for a friend in need. He realizes the importance of having good people to go through life with, because those are the kinds of things that you can’t find just anywhere. He’s a great son to my grandparents, an caring and supportive husband to my mom, and an amazing dad to my brother and I. He puts family first, something I have always admired.
So dad, You are the one I try to follow in my life. Thank you for being you.